Pharmacy Diabetes


Estimated time required: 10 minutes

  1. Identify potential participants for the DPR:
    • Age ≥ 40 years
    • Lipid (cholesterol and/or triglyceride) and/or blood pressure lowering medication use.
    • At risk ethnic background (Aboriginal or Pacific Islands, Asia (including the Indian sub-continent), Middle East, North Africa, Southern Europe)
    • Central obesity (initially by visual assessment)
    • Previous history of gestational diabetes
  2. If potential participant meets at least one of the criteria listed in 1, above, ask them to complete The Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool (AusDRisk).
  3. To help them complete question 10 of AusDRisk, measure their waist circumference using Seca 201
    How To Measure Waist Circumference
  4. If their risk score is ≥ 6 points, advise them that they are at increased-high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  5. Provide them with a copy of their AusDRisk assessment.
  6. Invite them to enrol in the Diabetes Prevention & Remission Program. Complete DPR Session 1 or book DPR Session 1 within next week.
  7. Advise them to see their local GP as soon as possible and to provide the GP with a copy of their AusDRisk assessment along with the GP DPR Introductory Letter. The completed assessment results should prompt the GP to order a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and/or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
  8. Ask them to provide you a copy of their FPG and/or OGTT if they have been diagnosed with impaired fasting glycaemia or impaired glucose tolerance.