- Exactly what diabetic ketoacidosis is
- The likelihood an individual with diabetes is at risk of DKA
- If there is a likelihood of DKA, how to prevent it from occurring.
- The best way to check for DKA.
- What to do if DKA does occur
In Australia when an individual is diagnosed with diabetes, they are registered on the NDSS (National Diabetes Services Scheme). The NDSS aims to enhance the capacity of people with diabetes to understand and self-manage their life with diabetes and to access services, support, and subsidised diabetes products. Products include (but limited to) blood glucose monitoring stirps, urine ketone monitoring strips and needles and syringes to deliver insulin to the body when it is not producing adequate amounts. (https://www.ndss.com.au/about-the-ndss/registration/ ).
While there is some question whether urine ketone monitoring strips have the same level of sophistication as blood ketone monitoring strips), the former is covered by the NDSS. (https://www.ndss.com.au/wp-content/uploads/order-forms/blood-glucose-testing-strips-order-form.pdf )
There are several reasons for blood monitoring to be more accurate than urine.
- A colour chart is used to determine the level of ketones in the urine. This is often misread or misinterpreted. It is also exceedingly difficult for those who are coloured blind. Blood ketones are read digitally, similarly to blood glucose.
- There is a time delay for ketones to show in the urine. Blood ketones are much more time sensitive.
- At low concentrations, most ketone bodies are reabsorbed by the kidney. However, this low level may be impacting on a person’s health.
- An open bottle of ketone stirps should be discarded after three months.